When Bert Met Bert via @Dotty4Paws
Well its not everyday a tortoise writes a blog post about meeting the mini felt doppelganger you've made of him! But you can here at: https://dotty4paws.co.uk/bert-finds-love-at-first-sight/ Big Bert, the real life tortoise is a social media legend and belongs to mum Kate who runs online Dog Business Directory Listing company http://www.dotty4paws.co.uk along with able doggy assistant Poppy, pictured receiving their parcel from https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/MisHelenEous
I love to see where my handmade felt creations live and it makes my day when they are as well received as this!
I myself am listed as a 'Dog based' Business on@Dotty4Paws at http://www.dotty4paws.co.uk so this is a slightly different 'make' for me. However my shop name is MisHelenEous (miscellaneous) so I will try to create anything people, or tortoises ask me to! https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/MisHelenEous
Should you require a handmade felt Bert Brooch yourself then you can now find him, suitably name checked in my Etsy Shop at https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/MisHelenEous All my best creations come from collaborating with other creative and like minded people and its a pleasure to know and be involved with Kate, Poppy and Bert at Dotty4Paws http://www.dotty4paws.co.uk You can follow real life Bert & Poppy's adventures on Twitter and Instagram at @Dotty4Paws